Sunday, September 23, 2012


I was wondering why many of my students seem to be struggling in math, so I asked them last week about their study habits. When I asked them how many of them went home and looked over their notes, the answer was... not one of them; not even to study for the test. I then asked how many of them had visited the Connected site. This time there were two. I have well over 100 students. As I probed further I realized that students had not developed the habit of using the Connected site in 6th grade and that this was new for them. So, I can see the need for them to develop this habit. I didn't need to ask about Compass Odyssey since I check this weekly, and I know that less than half of them are completing their homework.

Most students are not going to become highly successful at math with only 3 - 4.5 hours of classroom time. The key to success is repetition. Just like with sports or a musical instrument the more you practice the better you get. Students have to spend time with the math concepts they are learning. They have to watch the videos and do the practice.  They should be reviewing their notes at home and maybe even rewriting them and adding to them. I tell my students all the time they have to take ownership and be responsible for their learning. I will do anything I can to help them, but they have to partner with me on this. Parents, I need your help, too. Please make sure they practice math every day. Whether it is Compass Odyssey homework or just watching a video on the concept they are learning, with repetition will come retention.

Here is a great video that explains repetition, retention and how to use Cornell Notes.
Please watch and take note.

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